Please make note of local municipality's Outdoor Water-Use Bylaw before using water for lawns and gardens.
All local municipalities in York Region state that houses with odd numbers may only use municipal water out-of-doors on odd numbered days of the month and even house numbers may only use water outdoors on even numbered days of the month. For example, if your house number is 24, you can water on even days (2, 4, 6, etc.).
Time of day for watering varies between municipalities, in King Township you can use water outdoors between 6am - 9am & 7pm - 9pm.
Newly planted trees and shrubs can be watered for a period of 24 hours after planting.
Unless otherwise stated, the Outdoor Water-Use Bylaws are in effect from May 15 to September 30 every year.
If you have any questions please contact the Township of King direct.

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